Saturday, July 3, 2010

July 3, 2010

its 2:42am. i had a large hazelnut ice blended today from coffee bean at 11am. prob wont sleep until 4:30am or so. i have ADD which pretty much affects every part of my life. i am also left handed and dyslexic.  one of the more serious issues i have trouble with is reading.  when i read the sentence "the big ball is red" i will read "the bill red ball is" or when i read "watch the curious cow mow the grass" i will read "curious cow, watch grass" so i sometimes skip words. before i found out i was dyslexic i used to think i was impatient and couldnt wait so my eye would skip. a few months ago i was turned on to a website called SPREEDER which allows you to copy any text that you want to read into a box, afterward it will flash each word of what you just pasted one at a time at the set speed starting at 300 words per minute. When i use this service i can follow as fast as 450 wpm and not have any issues which leads me to believe that its not an attention issue as much as its spacial one.

this is van gogh's blossoming almond tree. i love this!

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