Thursday, July 1, 2010

june 30, 2010

Jusst finished watching FOOD INC. which was a great documentary about what happens behind the scenes with our food in the united states. I have been a vegetarian for almost 15 years now but i eat meat every now and then and dont always eat organic. After watching this movie i realize how important it is to buy organic and to never eat meat. I dont want to get ecol i but more importantly i dont want to give one penny of my hard earned money to the giant corporations that abuse the environment, the animals and the workers. it simply isnt worth it for me. Again i have realized that Monsanto is the fucking corporate devil because they are playing poker with our farmers at stakes that they cant play. Its kinda what happened to Lenny Bruce and the first amendment, he ran outta money and just couldnt fight any more. the farmers are right but the legal system cost too much to prove that. its sad. i dont know why we cant look to other countries to deal with these challenges. how are they doing it? how have they dealt with these issues? I also need to learn how to READ FOOD LABELS.  Here are a few sites that i visited that helped. Site 1 - the ingredients are listed in order of their proportion in the food, with the most common ingredients listed first. so if there is a lot of sugar in a food, the company will split the sugar up into different kinds so that they dont list it as the first ingredient. Then there is Label padding: when they put a good ingredient at the end is the tiniest amount so that they can say that they are healthy. Then there is the innocent sounding ingredients like carmine (dead sea life coloring) or sodium nitrite (which causes brain tumors and cancer) or Yeast Extract- which is really MSG.

anyway, im passing out now so imma finish this post tomorrow.

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