Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 5, 2010

You know when those cheesy catchy pop songs get stuck in your head and you cant get'em out. well here is the one thats been going on and on in my head : PIRATE BONES

Update- I had written before about how i am not going to do any drugs for a while and how my therapist Ann advised me to pay attention to why i have an urge to smoke weed. Here are some new reasons why:
  1. it makes me hungry and makes the food i do eat taste way better
  2. it makes me sleepy and make the sleep i get way better
  3. it makes think about my dreams for the future
  4. it brings me closer to friends
i will add more to this list as i get more insights

I have to remember not to drink coffee ever. im not sure why but i am super sensitive to it and even if i drink very little like today, i cant sleep until the wee hours, not to mention that it makes my stomach twist. yuck :(

i will write the same thing i wrote on my facebook update earlier.

i think there should be a new law that says that if you have had any previous relation to an industry, then you are not allowed to work for the government monitoring that industry because there is a possible conflict of interest. so if you had previously worked for monsanto- you are not allowed to work for the FDA. i think that would clear up a lot of corruption in our government.

Its crazy to me that the companies providing the energy were the people writing the energy bill. I want to be more involved with whats going on in the world. I recently changed my NYtimes.com to give me the world edition.  

I waste time. i dont know if i just need to do it and thats why i dont stop myself or what. I sit there and stumble. find cool sites and post them on facebook. perhaps i should post them to this blog. its active time wasting but then so is playing video games. i also say that im going to do things like buy Call of Duty but never do. I want to JUST DO IT.

I wait until my shoes get really worn before i buy new ones. i was thinking about when i know that its time for another pair. Its almost like im waiting for my mom or the world to give me its input before i do. it doesnt come from inside. i thought that its about self care. that i need to set a standard and stick to it. I went shopping and bought a swimsuit and it felt very good. i was nervous the whole time because i didnt think i have the cash but it worked out. i survived. 

Found a website called PLAYSCRIPTS that has a search feature- its helping me find a monologue to work on.

Ive totally gotten into Audiobooks but never know what i wanna read- so im going to use THIS BOOK LIST that is guaranteeing that it will induce a mindfuck. i hope its true.

I dont think these are THE BEST MOVIES OF THE 00's but imma see them all anyway


  an awesome indie movie that JULIET CARRILLO shot which i think is gonna be great when it comes out. 



wow really cool art by blu again



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